- Must have a precision GPS device (RaceBox Micro, RaceBox Mini S, XGPS 160, or the original HDGPS)
- 150 meters / 500 feet or more of open flat area to safely practice starts
- Only available on iOS
How to Practice Start/GateDrops:
IMPORTANT: When connecting to a RaceBox Micro or RaceBox Mini S, use Manual Mode instead of Smart Mode. This feature does not work with Quick Sessions; you must apply a track config.
- Find an open area with at least 150 meters / 500 feet of straight stretch, draw a starting line in the dirt, or use a real start gate.
- Attempt multiple starts in the same session, preferably 2 or more.
- After completing the session, end recording and sync the data.
- On the track config selection screen tap the menu button:
- Then choose "Analyze Gatedrops Only":
- To view the analysis, return to the app's main screen and tap "you" in the upper left corner of the feed screen.
- Tap the menu icon at the top right and select "Gatedrop Analytics."
Note: LITPro automatically detects starts in your riding, so any instance where you come to a complete stop and then accelerate steadily for at least 30 meters / 100 feet while mainly going straight will be recorded as a start (gate drop). Therefore, starts may appear during lap sessions if these conditions are met.