Frame Locks are a way to synchronize two videos. Using Frame Locks you can manually align videos on synchronization points (similar to how you would if you were using a stopwatch to time your rider doing a lap).
How to set a Frame Lock
Choose visible markers in the background or on the track where you determine the rider has crossed a virtual gate (think of your frame lock points as timing gates). A good visual marker to use is one you would use if you were choosing to time your rider using a stopwatch. Try and pick a point that makes a fair and even crossing point that is visible in both videos. See the tutorial video below for more details.
What are the required Frame Locks
Every VISION analysis requires at least 3 frame locks to synchronize the videos. The required frame locks are:
- MIDDLE frame lock: Choose a point near the middle of the video where the riders are clearly visible and ideally close to the camera.
- START frame lock: Choose a point where the rider is clearly visible. This will mark the start point of your VISION analysis. You won't be able to analyze any video frames prior to this start frame lock, just everything after.
- END frame lock: Choose a point where the rider is clearly visible. This will mark the end point of your VISION analysis. You won't be able to analyze any video frames after this point.
Why set optional/additional Frame Locks?
You should set additional frame locks to increase the accuracy of your synchronization of your videos. Additional frame locks might be required if you are doing a very detailed analysis and you see in your videos that the two riders are not crossing the same markers on the track at the same time. See the tutorial video below for more details. Adding additional frame locks will align the riders at the point you add the frame lock, therefore tightening the overall alignment of the two videos.