Mini S is unresponsive (LED is stuck and app won't connect)
There is a rare, but known, Racebox Mini S firmware bug. If you are unlucky and you think this has happened to your unit here are the steps to check for and how to recover.
- Does your unit rattle when you shake it? (more on this below)
- Does your LED not change even if you plug it in to a charger and unplug it?
- Does your LED not change if you turn off Bluetooth on your mobile phone?
Steps to recover:
- If your device rattles when you shake it jump down below
- If your device shows signs of water damage jump down below
- Otherwise, the only recovery is to let your Racebox Mini S run itself out of battery. This only works if your LED is visibly on and not changing colors. If your Mini S show no LEDs and no signs of life then you need to look in to warranty options by contacting LITPro or whoever you purchased it from.
Mini S connects, then promptly disconnects again
This is often a sign the Mini S has been damaged and needs to be replaced. Check with LITPro customer service to see if a warranty can be issued. In some cases this problem has been observed to correct itself if you let the unit completely run out of battery, then re-connect it to power and re-try the Bluetooth connection. The Mini S should completely discharge its battery if left unplugged within 12 hours or so if any LED is active, if no LED is active then it could take a lot longer. If no LED is active then contact LITPro customer service for help with a possible warranty replacement.
Mini S rattles when I shake it
This means something has come loose inside the Mini S. There are 4 large and heavy magnets inside the Mini S that are only useful for mounting it to the top of your car, or some other metallic surface (so quite undesirable for motocross training). If you notice rattling you should warranty the device right away before it is completely damaged, or (the manufacturer warns this voids the warranty) remove the 4 magnets yourself. Once they are loose inside the unit they act as a wrecking ball destroying everything else around them.
Mini S won't connect or sync or is acting weird (but responds to plugging in the charger)
The most common issue here is that there is either more than one app on your mobile phone or even another mobile device (maybe an iPad, or a second phone) that is connecting to your Mini S. Make sure no other apps are running and no other connections are being made at the same time to your Mini S. Specifically make sure the manufacturer's app (the RaceBox app) isn't also running while you are trying to use the LITPro app.
Syncing is really slow
The total recording time for the Mini S is 2 hours and 10 minutes and normally it should take around 5 minutes to sync that entire amount of memory. A normal moto of let's say 20 minutes should take around 30 seconds to sync. If your sync times seem way off from that it could be you are using a mobile device that doesn't support Bluetooth 5.0. Around iPhone model 8 (or around September of 2017) is when Bluetooth 5.0 support came standard on every Apple product and Android was a little earlier or a little later in some cases. With older mobile devices that don't support Bluetooth 5.0 your syncs will still work but could be up to 8 times slower. You can either upgrade your mobile device or be a little patient.
If you have a modern mobile device and you just want a little quicker sync times be sure you are recording in Smart mode (see getting started section for details). Otherwise get in contact with customer service for more help on this.
Jump detection isn't accurate
For the most accurate jump detection you will need to mount the Racebox Mini S to your helmet. The reason is that the vibration from the engine of the bike can be felt by the sensors that are trying to detect airtime - especially on lower displacement bikes (like 2-stroke mini bikes or even 4-stroke 250 bikes that rev higher) the vibration from the engine can interfere with the sensors. For most riders though you should get fairly accurate jump detection mounting the Mini S to the front fender, rear fender or the helmet. If you are not getting the accuracy you need then move the Mini S to the helmet mount location.
Long motos aren't recorded in full
The Mini S can only record two hours and 10 minutes of active ride time. After that point the Mini S will stop recording until you sync (download) the data. Make sure you sync often, and are using Smart recording mode to avoid recording unnecessary (stationary) periods of time. Contact customer service if you are still having trouble.