Follow these instructions to use a Polar GPS watch with the LITPro-GPS Lap Timer App. Polar GPS watches are compatible with both iOS and Android.
1. Download the LITPro - GPS Lap Timer App from the App Store or Google Play
- Download the LITPro-GPS Lap Timer App for your preferred platform
2. Create a LITPro Account and Link It With Polar Flow
- Open the LITPro-GPS Lap Timer App
- Create a new account (or login into an existing)
- Tap the Account Icon at the bottom right corner of the screen
- Tap Link Polar Account
- A web browser will open
- Tap Link Polar Flow Account
- Follow Polar's instructions on the screen to approve data access
- At the end of this process, you'll receive confirmation the accounts have been successfully linked
3. Your First Session
- Select an activity type that has active GPS (set to record at 1-sec interval)
- Popular choices include
- Motocross
- Mountain Biking
- Riding
- Motorsports
- Running
- Popular choices include
- Start recording on your GPS watch
- Head to the track and complete your session
4. Sync and Review
- When you finish your session and return to the pits, stop the recording on your watch
- Sync your GPS watch with the Polar Flow App
- When the sync is complete, open the LITPro App to apply a track configuration and review your session